HERB - period wedding flowers

sunshinegirl sunshinegirl at steward-net.com
Sat Jan 22 07:07:46 PST 2000

> From: Walter J. Wakefield <wjwakefield at juno.com>
Except roses were considered a
> symbol of love - as far as I have been able to determine, always and
> everywhere...
Yes, but the type of rose and color also has specific meaning.   One rose
means war, (York and Lancaster, naturally),  the hundred-leaved rose means
pride, Japanese rose means "Beauty is your only attraction".

I used roses, wormwood leaves (which dry
> nicely and don't get too crumbly - Artemisia of one species or another),
> and yarrow flowers, which also dry nicely and are pretty and white.  And
> I tied on small herb bunches in places - lemon balm, mint, whatever was
> in the garden at the time.  I know these plants are all period, but other
> than the roses do not know what symbolism they might carry. 

 > Suzanna, the herbalist, Barony of the Steppes, Kingdom of Ansteorra
> (Dallas, TX)  

Rose - love
Wormwood - absence
Yarrow - not in my book, but there is a ballad reference to sorrow
Mint - Virtue
Lemon is Zest, and Balm is Sympathy, but I don't know what lemon balm is.

It's a fun little book...


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