HERB - Ointment, Balm, Salve Recipes??

Jenne Heise jenne at tulgey.browser.net
Mon May 1 12:21:49 PDT 2000

> Thanks.  I do have that Complete Anachronist and have been gradually
> acquiring books listed in the bibliography as out of print book searches
> find them.  Unfortunately, it does not give period recipes or redactions of
> period recipes.  I have made lots of lotions, powders, creams, salves, etc
> using period ingredients and have taught several classes.  The problem lies
> in documentation.  I can document all of the ingredients are from period,
> but no recipe to base the procedure on.

A lot of the references in the CA are to _Perfume through the Ages_. I
just gave in and bought a copy of it (after reading it from the library),
though I think some of his references/recipes use modern
ingredients/recipes rather than period ones. Have you checked this source
already or should I did through it tonight to see if there are any useful

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, mka Jennifer Heise	      jenne at tulgey.browser.net
disclaimer: i speak for no-one and no-one speaks for me.
	"Oh it's all too much, too grim, too lovely, too -- how should 
	I put this? It's general chaos." -- Edward Gorey

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