HERB - Re:Rosehips & Syrup.

Isrith inn Glothi nordmarc at ix.netcom.com
Thu Oct 19 21:00:17 PDT 2000

Yes, you can use wild reosehips, actually those are the only ones I have ever
used. If you have wild roses that look like the heraldic roses then you have the
right kind. If you do use wild rosehips please be careful of the area you
collect them from, and be sure that the county/state hasn't been spraying their
chemicals anywhere near the plants.

My mom taught me to cut open every single rosehip and scoop out the seeds &
hairs, then rinse them (really, really boring). Here's a recipe from an old book
I have on preserving which lets you get around that, but do be careful to have a
tight enough weave of cotton bag to strain the syrup through. Also, don't be
tempted to hurry things along by squeezing at the bag to make the juice flow
faster - those little hairs might get forced through and into your syrup.

Anyhow, here's the recipe  ~ it's great over Vanilla Ice Cream by the way!   :-)

Bring 3 pints of water to the boil in a large saucepan. Mince 2 lbs of rosehips
and place immeadiately in boiling water. Bring back to a boil, then remove from
heat, cover, and leave to infuse for 15 minutes.
Strain through a sterilized jelly bag and let the juice drip out until pulp is
almost dry.

Carefully return the pulp to the saucepan and add "one and a half pints" of
boiling water. Do not boil. Cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes.
Strain this liquid through a jelly bag, then add the two lots of juices

Put all of the juice into a saucepan and boil rapidly until reduced by about
half ~ end up with about one and three quarter pints.
Add 1 lb of white sugar and boil for 5 minutes. Bottle in sterilized bottles.
Cork, seal, and keep refridgerated (or in a really cold area).

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