HERB - ants, fire and boom!

hornburg amy lynn aheilvei at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Sun Sep 3 08:39:07 PDT 2000

Jasmine,  a)chocolate, which I used in my ant recipe isn't period anyway
b) it's really hard to find period insect recipes (you're the goddess of
Platina - are there any in there?)

As for liking to be flamed (pun on mail terms)-
I can't think of any insects that like being caught on fire, but there is
a beetle that when scared, combines two chemicals, creating an explosive
reaction that is corrosive and works rather like a jet engine to move the
beetle.  :+)

Cu Drag,
Bogdan de la Brasov

Amy L. H. Heilveil
Program Coordinator 
Local Government Education
905 S. Goodwin, Urbana,  IL    61801 
Phone: 217/244-3735 
Fax: 217/244-7877 
e-mail: aheilvei at uiuc.edu 

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