HERB - How It Went: AWITG All Day Feast

Warren & Meredith Harmon corwynsca at juno.com
Tue Sep 19 16:44:41 PDT 2000


>Please let us know how this turns out. I would like details on planning
>and production of an all day feast, especially things to avoid.  It
>sounds like a neat idea and nice change of pace to the standard feast

I'm probably not the best person to ask this - I've been kicked out of
two kitchens for extreme inability to cook - but I could observe what was
good and what wasn't.  So, here goes (feel free to chip in, y'all):

1) Prepping as much as you can before time, then just waiting till the
proper time to set out, is a Very Good Thing (tm).

2) Mostly finger foods for the first two rounds - and Kail McCue's cheese
goo is a very good thing to bribe the autocrat with....

3) Four removes, served about two hours apart.  Okay, the last one was
*very* late (bad idea), but the original idea was good.

4) Do you want a menu???

5) Instead of one big roast, get lots of little ones.  They cook faster.

6) Make sure you have enough food for everyone.  With the staggered
classes, people were getting food at different times, so keeping the
removes out was okay till the yellow jackets decided they were on board.

What did I miss?

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