HERB - Vanilla & Poinsettia

Warren & Meredith Harmon corwynsca at juno.com
Tue Feb 6 21:56:59 PST 2001

>I, being Mexican (mix of Aztec and Zacateco indian), really loved 
>seeing you put in the Nahuatl word for Vanilla...  :)

Jealousjealousjealous... my uncle used to teach me Azteca and Mayan many
many moons ago, but I forgot it all.  And it's not like I can pick up a
dictionary.  Siiiiigh.....

>I am planning on growing my own vainilla (sp. spelling) once we get our
>built (middle of the house is going to be a Greenhouse/Atrium-I designed

Out of curiosity, are you going to have a poinsettia tree?  I remember
seeing them on a trip years ago, and laughed so hard after realizing that
what we think of as a flower actually turns into a *tree* south of the
U.S.!  Ditto the hens-and-chicks as tall as my hip.  I'm not laughing so
much now, though.... I saw mother-in-law tongue that was as tall as I was
(5' 6"), but now I'm married, and I've seen bigger... ;-)

Is poinsettia mentioned in any late-period diaries?  I could swear I
remember reading a Columbus diary excerpt, but now I can't place it at


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