Diabetes was Re: [Herbalist] Aloh

sunshinegirl sunshinegirl at steward-net.com
Mon Jul 30 21:14:31 PDT 2001

> Mary/Katerine
> (a Type I diabetic of 21+ years who still has all of her fingers and toes,
> but plenty of foot calluses that started out as blisters)

Several years ago, a friend of mine who is insulin dependant, told me about
an article he read about the incidence of diabetes on a particular
reservation, compared with members of the same tribe who lived off

On reservation, the incidence of diabetic problems was extremely low.   Off
reservation, the rate rose to the normal population.
One of the factors cited for this was on the reservation, whole psyllium
seed was part of the regular diet, and that was lacking off reservation.

My friend started taking whole psyllium seed, 1-2 teaspoons per day, usually
on cereal or something like that, and he said he could tell the difference
from his blood tests...

My question - I've never found anything citing the use of whole psyllium to
help regulate sugar problems - has anyone else ever heard of it being used
for that?


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