Diabetes was Re: [Herbalist] Aloh

Mary Temple noxcat at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 31 16:36:34 PDT 2001

First off, Type I diabetes and Type II diabetes are caused by two different
things. Insulin can be used to treat both, buth the other drugs (Glucophage,
etc.) only work for Type II.

Psyllium is a dietary fiber. One of the theories about "lifestyle related
diseases" is that the rise in refined sugar and the drop in dietary fiber
intake is one of the causes for the increase in rates of Heart Disease and
Diabetes. (Type II diabetes is at epidemic levels, and is now starting to
show up in children) Fiber works in the GI tract as a bulking and binding
agent. It fills you up so you're less likely to consume as many calories,
and it tends to "trap" a lot of the calories that are consumed (like fats
and refined sugars) which then are passed through. Any dietary fiber will do
this. My favorites are oatmeal and broccoli. :)

I also noticed lower blood sugar levels when I started taking a fiber
supplement, along with several other results. I dropped 5 pounds, and became
more "regular". :)

The studies are there - the problem is that diabetes isn't as "fashionable"
a cause as AIDS or breast cancer. Diabetes related complications kill more
WOMEN than per year than breast cancer does, and there are more Americans
with Diabetes than HIV positive people worldwide. Cancer rates are dropping,
Diabetes rates are rising, and idiots like Halle Berry are quoted as saying
"I'm lucky - all I have to do is take my insulin and I'm fine" (I WISH it
were that simple!!) Grrrrr...

Ok, I'm getting down off this soapbox now before I start ranting about the
pharmaceutical companies...


>Several years ago, a friend of mine who is insulin dependant, told me about
>an article he read about the incidence of diabetes on a particular
>reservation, compared with members of the same tribe who lived off
>On reservation, the incidence of diabetic problems was extremely low.   Off
>reservation, the rate rose to the normal population.
>One of the factors cited for this was on the reservation, whole psyllium
>seed was part of the regular diet, and that was lacking off reservation.
>My friend started taking whole psyllium seed, 1-2 teaspoons per day,
>on cereal or something like that, and he said he could tell the difference
>from his blood tests...
>My question - I've never found anything citing the use of whole psyllium to
>help regulate sugar problems - has anyone else ever heard of it being used
>for that?

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