HERB - Moony Mood Swings?

Warren & Meredith Harmon corwynsca at juno.com
Thu Mar 15 10:38:28 PST 2001

Greetings to the list!

Someone just mentioned to me that they have emotional swings around full
moon time  - being moody, swinging to almost hysteria, and back again. 
Does anyone else have this problem, which I haven't heard of?  (Not
knocking it, mind you; it just hit me from left field so my brain is
having difficulty wrapping around the problem.)  And, are there any herbs
that may help?  I'm thinking more aromatherapy or herbal sachets than
taking herbs internally, and I know about the standard caveats and
boilerplate of taking advice.

-Caro the really confoozled

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