HERB - pets

nemain@hushmail.com nemain at hushmail.com
Wed Mar 28 12:56:30 PST 2001

Hello all.  I have a 16 lb Lhaso Apso.  (She has never had problems with 
baby aspirin btw.  Of course we don't let her chew it even though it has 
that nifty grape flavour.)  My dog suffers from some severe allergy problems 
(as is common with her breed).  Her skin is pink and terribly sensitive. 
 I think she is allergic to the world.  She also has ear problems (they 
are sore and need prescription drops almost constantly to keep them from 
getting out of hand).  We have used anti hestimines (vetinarian recommended... 
tavist), but we gave up using them in the past year.  It seemed to lose 
its effect.  We find that cutting her hair very short has helped but other 
than that we really haven't found anything to help her.  Lately her ears 
have been getting much worse and her skin seems more pink than usual (which 
is unusual considering spring hasn't hit my area).  I was wondering if anyone 
had any recommendations herbally or otherwise.  I love her to death and 
I just can't stand seeing her look so ITCHY.  (it's not fleas btw)  Any 
help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.  

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