[Herbalist] bruise salve

tempestviolet@attbi.com tempestviolet at attbi.com
Thu Feb 6 06:58:42 PST 2003

Hi All,

When I did my bruise balm I ended up adding 10 drops of Lavender essential oil
and 10 drops of St. John's Wort Oil directly into the containers that I was
putting in the hot solution created for the balm prior to adding the beewax

Once the containers were filled, I used a sterilized wooden chopstick and
gently stirred the mixtures so that the added EOs were thoroughly mixed with
the beeswax solution.

I then set the containers aside and let them sit and solidify.

No spots or discoloration occured.

Hope this helps.


> Does anyone have any good tips for additives to solid (beeswax) balms?
> Some of the ones I have made have developed dark/grey spots in them, which
> probably means they are spoiled. But I'm not sure what to add to keep this
> from happening, and I can't give away the stuff until I'm sure I can
> stabilize it!

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