[Herbalist] plant ink

Tara Boroson tboroson at netcarrier.com
Thu Jul 24 11:45:02 PDT 2003

Woad!  Indigo! (Bears, oh my!)

I bet you'd get a ton of responses if you subscribe to an SCA 
scribal/illumination list.  I get the impression from some illuminator 
friends that there is a good body of information on the subject, and a 
number of SCAdians make their own pigments.  Try groups.yahoo.com to 
find a list - there are about a billion SCA lists on there!


Rod Dorma wrote:

> I'm looking for a plant-based period ink (prior to Hastings if 
> possible), and need somewhere to start--my normal resources haven't 
> turned up much of anything.  Brief experiments with beets just led to 
> excessive bleeding, though that might be the fault of the paper, not 
> the ink.  Any ideas?  thankee!

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