[Herbalist] Southern Region Meeting Notes

Joanna Morton joalin99 at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 28 11:13:15 PST 2018

Here are the notes, as promised!

Ansteorra Herbal & Apothecary Guild Interest Meeting, Southern Region

November 17, 2018

~Jehanna de Montauban

To have the guild we needed to vote on three things, in all three regions. Northern met in June 2016 at King’s College, Central met in May 2018 at Steppes Warlord.

a. Do we want a kingdom guild? Unanimous agreement
b. Do we want to use wording of the Charter provided by Seamus O'Calleigh of An Tir, which is An Tir's charter as example to generate our own kingdom charter (see below)? Unanimous agreement

The Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra Herbalism & Apothecary Guild

The goal of the Herbalism & Apothecary Guild is to encourage study, teaching and practice of Medieval herb uses, as well as study of Medieval apothecary and pharmacy practice, in the Kingdom of Ansteorra.

The Guild should serve as a conduit for herbalists & apothecaries in the Kingdom of Ansteorra to communicate with and learn from each other, and to freely share our love and knowledge about Medieval medicine.

Membership is open to any individual living in the Kingdom of Ansteorra with an interest in the above listed disciplines.

This we set with our hand and seal this day

c. Can we agree to meet regionally 1 time per year per region, and 1 time per year for regional heads at Red Tape? Unanimous agreement

That's it. We have a lady who has offered to do the design work on the charter, once we have agreed to the language. ( Elizabeth Peters offered to do the illumination, Ian the Green offered to do the calligraphy, both in April of 2016)

Below are some places to join for communication purposes:

In Pursuit of Guild, Kingdom of Ansteorra, Herb and Apothecary: https://www.facebook.com/groups/972679779453774/

central regional herbal and apothecary guild of Ansteorra: https://www.facebook.com/groups/447252855735070/

Herbalist -- Ansteorran herbalist list: http://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/herbalist-ansteorra.org

Ansteorra Herbal & Apothecary Prospective Guild Roster: https://tinyurl.com/ybufeg9s

Wladyslaw (Erin Rinehart) has found a forum that could be used as a discussion platform and also a files repository and will be working on getting that set up as time permits.

After voting on the crucial three points, we went over the following things and there were no objections.

The proposed base class list:

List provided by and researched and is in development by Seamus O’Caellaigh. https://www.facebook.com/seamus.ocaellaigh

~Medieval Gardening and wildcrafting

~Herblore, Superstitions and Religious Herbs

~Cosmetics, Perfumes and Incense

~A History of Herbals

~Humors, Uroscopy, and the Doctrine of Signatures

~Ointments, Decoctions, Oils and Poultices

~Poisons and Antidotes

~Midwifery, Housewifery and Culinary Herbs

~Remedies for the Plague, Epidemics and other Illnesses

~Remedies for Infection, Wound care and Pain

~Apothecary Shops History and equipment

~Dental, Surgery, Dyeing and other Professions effected by Apothecary

Stages on the path and insignia representation:

•           Accepted = Seed

•           Novice = Sprout

•           Journeyman = Sapling

•           Adept = Tree of Life

We also passed around Seamus’ book, “Pustules, Pestilence and Pain: Tudor Treatments and Ailments of Henry VIII” that is available on amazon.com, and admired the pictures.

I will be sending out a template to post on all local groups/lists and to send to all local Chroniclers inviting those interested in herbalism to join us, and how to do so. We will have other details to figure out and decide on, so having an official Roster and voting on things via email could really speed up the process!

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