[Hou-announce] Please Join Us for Harvest End

Hugh Killingbury hughkillingbury at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 13 10:03:44 PDT 2008

Greetings Fellow Ansteorrans,

The Shire of Gates Edge would like to invite one and all to our upcoming Harvest End – A Viking Celebration on September 5-7, 2008 at Camp Camwood.  We will be choosing new champions for Archery, Armored and Rapier combat, Arts & Sciences, Bardic, Thrown Weapons, and Youth Boffer.  An overall champion will also be chosen from those participants who enter at least 4 of the individual competitions.  A beautiful hand crafted gift will be awarded to those who prove themselves victorious upon their chosen fields of competition.  Sunday morning will also be host to a boat battle with new 36” aluminum round shields awarded to the winning 4 person team.

In addition to the competitions being held we will be celebrating Harvest End with plenty of feasting.  Friday night will find a Traveler’s Tavern with a guest appearance from the Loch Soillier Brewing Guild, and Saturday will find us raising our glasses to toast another wonderful feast.  Feast is limited, so please send in your reservations now. 

We have many special activities happening throughout the weekend including bonuses toward participant scores for each competition.  Please see our website http://gates-edge.ansteorra.org/ for more details to ensure that you don’t miss out on this opportunity.  We hope to see you all there.

In Service to the Dream,
Hugh Killingbury
GE Harvest End Steward


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