LR - IMPORTANT - Change to Officers Meeting Location

Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain padraig_ruad at
Wed Jun 14 14:53:39 PDT 2000

Dana is not well, so Officers Meeting has been moved to the IHOP on Quebec Street in Lake Worth (Loop 820 and Quebec Street).  We will still begin at 8:00pm.

5920 Quebec St
Fort Worth, TX 76135
(817) 237-2894

Click here
for an interactive map. 

Some of the items to be discussed include:  Running the archery competition at Elfsea Defender; purchasing EZ Up pavilions instead of the rounded top pavilion we had previously agreed on; the Canton Newcomer Fostering program; and of course, Lughnasad.

Everyone is welcome - you do not have to be an Officer to attend. 

Please notify those of our folk who do not have Internet access. 

In Service, 

Nunc Est Bibendum
Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.
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