LR - Gifts for Their Excellencies

Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain padraig_ruad at
Fri May 5 12:09:50 PDT 2000

It has occurred to me that I neglected a very important order of business at Populace Meeting on Wednesday:

At Springfaire, Llywelyn and Xene will be stepping down, and Galen and Allesandra will be invested as the new Baron and Baroness of Elfsea.  We had previously discussed various gifts that we as a Canton might give them, but I don't believe we ever made a final decision.

I need a volunteer to take on the coordination of the task of determining what we are going to give and then making sure that the gifts are made/bought/procured in some fashion.  Please let me know as soon as possible if you are willing to do this.  You can contact me through the mailing list, privately via email at padraig_ruad at or padraig_ruad at, or call me at home this evening, 817-367-3326.  Remember that anything that must be purchased will have to be done with donations - we cannot use official Canton funds for this, so please be ready to donate money, materials and/or time to this effort.

Please pass this information on to our folk who do not have email access.

In Service,

Nunc Est Bibendum
Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.
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