LR- Loch Ruadh Offices Open for Bids (long - please read)

Sam Milligan padraig_ruad at
Thu Apr 5 10:11:14 PDT 2001

As you know, several Offices in the Canton of Loch Ruadh are open for bid.  They are:  Seneschal, Chronicler, Herald, Minister of Arts and Sciences, Hospitaler, and Archery Marshal.

While interest has been expressed in submitting bids for various of these Office, no bids have been as yet received for any of them.

I have often said, and I truly believe, that there is a wealth of skill, talent and knowledge among the Populace of our fair Canton.  I ask that each of you carefully consider using your portion of those traits to serve Loch Ruadh, and to help us to continue to grow and prosper.

If you are a paid member, and are able to devote a portion of your time and effort to serve as an Officer of the Canton, I ask that you would consider submitting a bid for one of these Offices.  (This not to say that there is no place for non-paid members; you can be a deputy to any Officer without having to be a paid member.  If you are a non-paid member and are interested in a particular Office, please offer your services to the appropriate Officer as a deputy.)

Do you need experience in order to hold an Office?  Experience is a useful thing, but not the overriding factor; much more important is the willingness to learn and to serve.  If you are interested in submitting a bid but want to know more about the duties of a particular Office, you can contact me, or better yet, the Regional Officer for that Office.  I will list the names and emails of the Regional Officers at the end of this missive.

You may have heard that Lord John Doe or Lady Jane Roe will be submitting a bid for a particular Office, and you are thinking that there is no use in submitting a bid, as he or she will surely be chosen.  This is certainly not the case.  The responsibility for choosing someone to fill an Office lies with the appropriate Central Regional Officer.  That Regional Officer will very likely consult with the current holder of the local Office and with the Seneschal before choosing a new Officer, and may well have criteria for selection that would make John Doe or Jane Roe unsuitable.  Much better to provide the Central Regional Officers with several candidates for each Office and give them a hard decision to make than to have to fill the Office by default with the single candidate who submits a bid.  Or worse yet, to have the Office go vacant because the single candidate to submit a bid is unacceptable to the Regional Officer for some reason.

It may also seem that the Officers of the Canton are a closed clique, trading the various Offices among themselves; this, too, is not so.  Those who have served as Officers will often bid for another Office because they have learned something about that Office that interests them, or they like being involved in the mundane procedures necessary to the running of the Canton.  Or perhaps they are just masochistic.  In any case, we do not have, nor do we ever want to have, a “ruling clique” of people in Loch Ruadh.  “Leadership through Service” should be the motto of those who would be Officers.

Bids for Hospitaler and Archery Marshal will close at our May Populace Meeting.  Bids for the other Office will close at the June Populace Meeting.  Application for Office forms are available online at, or see me for a printed copy.  The completed form must be sent to the appropriate Regional Officer, and you must attach photocopies of your membership card and a photo ID, such as a driver’s license.  You should black out the driver’s license number on the copy.  Copies of the bid should also be sent to me as Seneschal, to the current Officer of the Office you are bidding for, as well as courtesy copies to the corresponding Baronial Officer and Their Excellencies, Galen and Allesandre.

Please contact me if you have any questions or if I can provide any more information.

I hope to see bids from many of you within the next few weeks.

In Service,

Central Regional Officers:

Seneschal:  Lady Afan ferch Elystan     grrhine at
Herald:  Lady Nicolette de Loria     central_herald at 
Chronicler:  Lady Ceinwien ferch Rhuel     ceinweinswan at
A&S Minister:  HL Julianna Vertue     jwainwright at
Hospitaler:  Lady MagD’Leigha Mac an Ghabhann     pookie2 at 
Archery Marshal:  Lady Elizabeth Hawkwood     rbnew at 

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