[Loch-ruadh] Another family hit..... Fwd from Ansteorra

Centurion Almarr Bjarnklö bjarnklo at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 16 16:20:08 PDT 2001

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
I know most of you probably saw this...


To all in the Northern region

 On Tuesday morning on of the members of our group
suffered a devistating fire in her home. The only
things saved from the blaze were her three children
ages 4, 2, and 3 months. We know that there are alot
of us out there with kids who have out grown
clothes/toys and such and we are trying to find
donations to help them get started again. Please
contact myself or Katren Fitzgerald if there is
anything you can do to help.

In thanks and service

Ian McCullum"

I will be traveling to Wastelands in 2 weeks and can deliver goods

 to the event for any who want to donate.  Email me privately as I

am not on all the lists if you have anything to help.

  I will come by Elfsea practice this sunday and Stepps next week.

In service to our friends..


Ian,  What are the sizes of the parents clothes and how big are the kids?

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