[Loch-Ruadh] The week before populace

HRAFNASDOT at aol.com HRAFNASDOT at aol.com
Sun Oct 20 21:22:57 PDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
The stockings are empty, the tree is all bare
the chronicler is worried and pulling her hair
Please send all the goodies ASAP
We need a good letter, as good as can be
We'll take all your drawings, your ditties and song
We'll take all your musings, no matter how long
We love any input that you're willing to write
All of your talent is what makes it a joyous sight
That all who may see it will say with a sigh
"May I have a copy?" And away they'll all fly
To the good little scottsmen, the naughty wee norse
The fun loving irish, and all those others of course.
So to the top of the keyboard, begin with a clatter
Your input is needed, it really does matter
Send in your recipes, we all need good fixin's
The chronicler will throw it in with all of the mixin's
And on November the 6th, you'll see such a sight
Saying "Merry Christmas to all" and now a good night!

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