[Loch-Ruadh] more on the word for the day

Jane Sitton jane.sitton at radioshack.com
Thu Oct 24 13:15:01 PDT 2002

This, from the online Merriam-Webster, seems to indicate no connection
between "louche" and "loose", other than meaning:

Main Entry: 1loose
Pronunciation: 'lüs
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): loos·er; loos·est
Etymology: Middle English lous, from Old Norse lauss; akin to Old High
German lOs loose -- more at -LESS
Date: 13th century
1 a : not rigidly fastened or securely attached b (1) : having worked partly
free from attachments <a loose tooth> (2) : having relative freedom of
movement c : produced freely and accompanied by raising of mucus <a loose
cough> d : not tight-fitting
2 a : free from a state of confinement, restraint, or obligation <a lion
loose in the streets> <spend loose funds wisely> b : not brought together in
a bundle, container, or binding c archaic : DISCONNECTED, DETACHED
3 : not dense, close, or compact in structure or arrangement
4 a : lacking in restraint or power of restraint <a loose tongue> <loose
bowels> b : lacking moral restraint : UNCHASTE
5 a : not tightly drawn or stretched : SLACK b : being flexible or relaxed
<stay loose>
6 a : lacking in precision, exactness, or care <loose brushwork> <loose
usage> b : permitting freedom of interpretation
7 : not in the possession of either of two competing teams <a loose ball> <a
loose puck>

Madelina, ever trying to be the font o' knowledge

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