[Loch-Ruadh] Loch Ruadh plates

HRAFNASDOT at aol.com HRAFNASDOT at aol.com
Mon Oct 28 21:26:55 PST 2002

I wish to thank everyone - Domnal for A&S, Dana for the bookkeeping, Angela for the house and the very wonderful people who showed up!  If you have any questions, email the list, someone might have the same concerns and we can kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Approximately 25+ people showed, our A&S minister will know all the particulars - but 72 plates were claimed and the majority painted!  Imagine having all those on tables at an event like DFT - one long table with everyones own LR plate!
I am impressed with everyone - thank you for your patience.

If you did not attend and/or need more plates, I will have paints, plates, patterns at populace.  Let me know how many you will need.

The following people have requested plates and have not picked them up yet:  Sluggy, Dunstan, Gwenlian(?).  There may be others, I will check with the list and see.

Plates, paint and pattern cost - $2 per plate.

Thank you everyone for this being so enjoyable.  I hope to do other classes if there is interest...

In democracy it's your vote that counts; In feudalism it's your count that votes.

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