[Loch-Ruadh] Wanted: Autocrat for Wake

Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain padraig_ruad at irishbard.com
Mon Feb 17 09:12:38 PST 2003

Due to increased requirements of his mundane job (including much out-of-town travel), our good Laird Sean of Argyll has reluctantly had to withdraw his offer to be autocrat for the 5th Annual Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain Wake and Bardic Beerfest.

While this is not a full-blown event, it has grown beyond the mere revel it started out as, and needs someone to coordinate the activities.  If you are interested in serving as autocrat for the Wake, please contact me at padraig_ruad at irishbard.com.

This is an ideal opportunity to get your feet wet as an autocrat, as it requires exercising coordinating skills without the need for the paperwork and money matters that are necessary to an actual event.

The Wake will be held Saturday, 10 May, and at present is planned to take place at Lord Polydore's Keep in Springtown.  In addition to the Wake itself, there will be a potluck feast and a bardic circle.  I have some ideas for other activities that I will discuss with the new autocrat.


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