[Loch-Ruadh] Daily polling reminder

Nolen Dale fairbourne at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jul 24 06:22:42 PDT 2003


The date and time of the polling is still the same  and will take place
Monday July 28,2003 at the Coors distribution center at 7:30 pm (Moot
location)  The polling will be conducted by a representative of the crown.
Regarding members under the age of 18 participating in the poll, anyone who
is a member and between the ages of 15-17 may participate. If you disagree
with this please contact the kingdom seneschal.
Mail in responses should be sent Duchess Julia the Central Regional
seneschal and postmarked no later than July 28, 2003. Your letter should
include your top three choices for landed, your name, your zip code, your
membership number if you have one and your signature. Only the crown will
see this information so leakage of your opinion will not be an issue.
If you are unable to attend the polling and wish to have your written words
hand delivered to the polling site, you should follow the same instructions
listed for mailing in your polling opinion. Each correspondence regarding
this matter should be in a separate closed envelope. You cannot have one
large envelope and have multiple opinions from different people all in the
same envelope. Each opinion from an individual must be in a individual and
separate envelope.
Also a provision is being made for those persons who have been long time and
consistent Elfsea players both in the past and currently, who do not live
within the confines of the barony or one of its satellite groups.  I am
putting together this list, if you feel you should be on this list please
email me privately.  I need this information by no later than Friday.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your time.
Master Richard Fairbourne
Elfsea Seneschal


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