[Loch-Ruadh] populace

Donna Wallis mama_mac at airmail.net
Wed Jun 4 21:29:50 PDT 2003

Sorry, I didn't see this before populace meeting, I would have called to
see if you wanted a ride to the meeting. I'm sure something
 could have been arranged. Hope the Cherokee is in running condition

Loch Ruadh REALLY  ROCKS!!!

Asa wrote:

Thorgeirr and I may not be able to make it to populace tonight.  We had
the cherokee towed this morning and its still in the shop as of 5pm.

Our apologies.

I have the scrolls to be painted and the release forms ready if someone
wants to pick them up.

Would somebody volunteer to host Scribes?  (Caitrin? Fiona? someone who
I deeply apologize to for the short warning!)

Missed everyone at Warlord - was hoping to get to see ya'll tonight.


In service


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