[Loch-Ruadh] Re: Mordikar's Medical Condition

Ilishna ilishna1 at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 31 19:53:18 PST 2003

    Hello All,

    This is for all of you who do not know. On Sunday March 23, we arrived
back from California at around 4:00 to 5:00. That evening around 11:45
Mordikar's heart for whatever reason decided to start pumping really fast.
After much debate, arguement and pulling out ili's hair, (three times
asked), he decided to go to the hospital.

Note: He was in NO pain, his heart was just racing really fast for longer
than 1 minute. He's always had this type of thing happen but it always
stopped after a few seconds, and he didn't have one for the past two years.
We didn't think anything of it, because it's never been anything close to
serious. However this time it lastest for a long time.

    Once we arrived at the hospital, after giving him medicine to slow down
his heart beat, and regulate his heart beat, he had a convulsion, died and
was revived with electrical shock. We then were told that he has WPW (Wolf
Parkinsons White Syndrome.) We've already done the research on WPW, and the
Dr. there said that it is treatable with medicine, however it's not curable
by medicine. He then refered to us to Dr. Wade McBridal. The Er Dr., Dr
Richard Dixon, told us most likely Dr. Wade McBridal will suggest surgery,
because it's 100% curable that way.

    For those who don't know what WPW is it's an extra pathway for the
electrical impulse to flow through. Dr. Wade McBridal believes Mordi's extra
pathway is around the lower left ventrical of the heart, but he doesn't know
for sure.

    We spoke with Dr. Wade McBridal today, and ,just as Dr. Richard Dixon
predicted, he suggests Mordikar to have what they call a Catheter Ablation.
It's a simple procedure with very little risk done by a Catheter/probes.
They run one to make sure his heart beat stays normal through the procedure.
Another to find the extra pathway, and they then burn it off with heat
either off a third probe or the one they found it with.

    He will have this surgery on Friday 11, 8:00 am. If all goes well they
will keep him overnight, and he will be allowed to leave Saturday morning or
afternoon. He will then have to take it easy for a few days.. (weeks if I
can get him too.) After that he will be back to his usual self, able to
start fighting again, and doing the things Mordi and I have become known to

    I appreciate any prayers that you can give. We have high hopes that
everything will be smoothly. Dr. Wade McBridal has been doing this procedure
for 14 years, and hasn't had a patient die. I figures that really good
batting averages. It's a 1% that something could go wrong however it's 95%
to 98% that everything goes smoothly, where the other 1% went too.. I don't
know.. and didn't think to ask until I looked at the papers when I got home.

    I will do what I can to try to keep everyone informed of his condition
after the surgery. Mostly by e-mail as I do not have phone numbers for some
of the people out in the SCA that we are friends with.


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