[Loch-Ruadh] Eating at Warlord

janesitton@earthlink.net janesitton at earthlink.net
Thu May 22 06:26:46 PDT 2003

Just to clarify, is this a Canton thing, or a Household thing?

We are thinking of appearing sometime Saturday evening, after spending the day in Cisco at the family reunion.  So the less I have to pack (e.g., cooking utensils), the better.  I can bring a sack of potatoes (Logan and I went grocery shopping separately, and we each bought 20 lbs of potatoes!), assorted veggies, some HOT peppers, or ??, provided it's open to the entire Canton.


-------Original Message-------
From: "padraig_ruad at irishbard.com" <padraig_ruad at irishbard.com>
Sent: 05/21/03 10:26 AM
To: loch-ruadh at ansteorra.org
Subject: [Loch-Ruadh] Eating at Warlord

Has anyone considered a barbarian feast for the Loch Ruadh encampment, or are we going to just eat at Dairy Palace?

I'm thinking seriously about bringing my camp stove and doing breakfast tacos for Sunday morning.  Anyone interested?


De gusitbus non est disputandum.

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