[Loch-Ruadh] It's that time...

Kathy Varner dkv250 at msn.com
Fri Apr 9 09:01:11 PDT 2004

Greetings unto the Populace of the Shire of Loch Ruadh!,

Spring has sprung and the madness of Spring Cleaning or at least a semblance 
of it, strikes us all.
During this fabled cleaning and organizing of all your stuff, keep in mind 
that Lughnasad, and the need for prizes is moving toward us.
Those cups you bought and never used, that fabric that was oh so perfect; 
but doesn't match a darned thing you have, left over A&S supplies, leather, 
candles and holders, a hidden bottle of home brew, all these; and anything 
else you can think of are wonderful items for donation.
Remember, this is our Tenth Lughnasad and also our First as a Shire! We 
really want to shine, and want our prizes to reflect our wealth and sparkle.

Contributions/Donations/Gifts will be accepted by some member of the event 
staff at any and all meetings, but our wonderful Just Laura and dashing 
Tiarna Dohmnall are coordinating this year's prizes; so contact them for 
arrangements if need be.

Catrin ferch Rhys

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