FW: [Loch-Ruadh] funnel

John Stegall j_greywolf at earthlink.net
Fri Aug 20 19:25:12 PDT 2004

ok so my mouse doesn't take verbal  commands    i said send once   wolfie
John Stegall
j_greywolf at earthlink.net
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Stegall 
To: loch-ruadh at ansteorra.org
Sent: 08/19/2004 9:37:49 PM 
Subject: [Loch-Ruadh] funnel

ok staples out of shoulder, stitches out of hand,  funnel     (collar) in wash to wear sat. wolfie

John Stegall
j_greywolf at earthlink.net
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.
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