[Loch-Ruadh] What Jesus Would DO!

Spence Mabry smabry at flash.net
Sun Feb 29 15:56:03 PST 2004

I wish it were that simple for me. All I've ever done all my life is
type. All OJT. Previously, the only times I've been unemployed is when
the other half got transferred. I had the same job (with increasing
responsibilities) for almost 14 yrs. Then rheumatoid arthritis hit my
hands. I can no longer type 76 wpm w/0 errors. My typing test for
Tarrant County for 2003 was 35 wpm with 11 errors. My retest last month
was 40 wpm w/1 error (which means 35 wpm). I'm working with TRC but they
are slow getting the speech recog equip for me to train on. Just pray
that the (fill in the blanks) don't cut the funding again. 
It seems to me that something's wrong with this country when two people
who never had to pay income taxes while employed must now pay $$$ when
Sorry guys. This is one of my hot buttons.

-----Original Message-----
From: loch-ruadh-bounces at ansteorra.org
[mailto:loch-ruadh-bounces at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of ilishna
Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 12:15 PM
To: Canton of Loch Ruadh, Kingdom of Ansteorra, SCA,Inc.
Subject: Re: [Loch-Ruadh] What Jesus Would DO!

I must aggree completely with Semper Fidelis on this particular subject.
However I do have some little advice. My husband too was on unemployment
for a period of about 3 to 4 months. He was constantly getting the
"overqualified" reasons for not hiring. He explained that he had
children, and a wife to support as well as willing to take a pay cutt
just so that he can have something coming in. The company's became abit
more sympathic, and understanding especially when they understood that
they weren't going to have to pay him the big bills just yet. 
Yes he does have a job now.. however it's because he was willing to talk
to them, and negotiate a price that was reasonable with the company,
that he was able to get the job. It's not what he was making, however
it's better than unemployment, and he can still look for other jobs on
the side.
Perhaps, if you were to explain the situation to the company's you're
applying to, and let them know you are NOT overqualified, and are
willing to recieve a lower pay it might work out better for you too. 
Good luck, in your search.

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