[Loch-Ruadh] Just to let people know

PBW PBW_RN at ev1.net
Thu Jul 1 14:01:51 PDT 2004

Many of my Loch Ruadh friends and family have been keeping my grandfather in
thier prayers the last couple of years. For those who may remember a couple
years ago my grandfather at the young age of 90 was very ill (had triple
cardiac bypass then a stroke) but managed to bounce back and return to a
relativly normal life though from the confines of a wheelchair. Well this
afternoon at about 2:30pm Paul Crocker, at the young age of 92, breathed his
last earthly breath. His final days on earth were with his wife, my
grandmother, at his bedside. She is batteling alzheimers but had a moment of
understanding that he was dying and she would not have "her Paul" with her
anymore. GrandDad's funeral will be Saturday.

I am thankful that I have had my grandparents as long as I have had them.
Not many people my age can boast they still had 4 grandparents alive.


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