[Loch-Ruadh] Re: Loch-Ruadh Digest, Vol 14, Issue 11

ThoraOdottir at aol.com ThoraOdottir at aol.com
Sat Jul 10 11:28:35 PDT 2004

Wishing I was in Canton.  Ailgenan lost his job two weeks ago so we don't 
have the money for eventing.  Feeling a little pouty about it.  This event is my 
5 anniversary with the SCA and Monday is my birthday so this was supposed to 
be a big event for me but alas and alack.

Turning out to be productive weekend though.  Jeff got us some hand me down 
(but very nice) wooden bunkbeds for the boys and have gotten those set up and 
getting yardwork done and will be able to sort through the kids old toys and 
discard the junk since they are at grandmas house.  Not the weekend I had hoped 
for but a good one just the same.

In Fidelis Muneris,
Lady Thora Olafsdottir
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