[Loch-Ruadh] Finally...Meeting Notes

mama mac mama_mac at airmail.net
Fri May 7 08:43:47 PDT 2004

Shire of Loch Ruadh Populace Meeting 5-5-2004



EZ Ups- Loch Ruadh lost the 2 EZ Ups at Guardian of the Tor.  Aingeal & Caerell bought 4 Quik Shades on sale at $59.95 plus tax and offered 2 of them to Loch Ruadh at that cost. These normally sell for $99 to $129, depending on where they are purchased. The populace voted (one NO vote was recorded) to buy them from Aingeal & Caerell. A check will be issued to them when the receipt is presented to the Exchequer.


Shire Pavilion- We are in the process of "gathering" information to purchase a new Shire pavilion. Things we are considering are type, size, material, cost and manufacturer. Information was presented from Panther and Tentsmiths. 


Fian Ruad - I have talked with both the Knight Marshal and the commander of Fian Ruad about some changes. We agreed that the commander of the Fian Ruad "fighting unit" will be chosen by those fighters committed to attending Gulf War XIV. Rolf has agreed to stay on as the Commander until Lughnasad.


Gulf War XIV - Remember you must be pre-registered by December 15th, 2004 to camp in Loch Ruadh lands.


Loch Ruadh Directory - If you did not made corrections to the directory at populace meeting, please email them to me ASAP to seneschal at lochruadh.org 


Our change of status from Canton to Shire was read into the BOD minutes on April 24, 2004. And we are listed as a Shire in the May Black Star.


**Lughnasad Autocrats: 

Reminded the populace of the foundations on which this group was built:

  1.. Remember this is a game!! Balance the fun of the game with your mundane responsibilities. 
  2.. Though the greater game is played as a Monarchy, the group, (Dun) Loch Ruadh, will act as a democracy. 
  3.. Full disclosure. The officers of the group will perform their duties with the feelings and input from the majority of the populace. 
  4.. PERSONAL conflicts will not be tolerated at any SCA functions.  Leave them at home or stay home. 
  5.. Integrity: Follow through with commitments and promises you have made as an individual, your personal actions will reflect back to the group. Individuals are NEVER to make a commitment for the group without the knowledge, permission and support of the majority of the POPULACE. 
  6.. Newcomers: As a group we are committed to encourage, support, teach and foster newcomers. Give them the time, space and support to find to find to find THEIR own niche within the Society and this group.
Website is up at: http://webpages.charter.net/lughnasad/ 


Donations: Laird Sean has donated a "buttload" of prizes!! 2 daggers, a gorgeous spear (that had my drooling all over it!!), bow, fletching jig and other assorted items. He also donated a sword that the officers claimed because they thought it would make a fine Sword of the SHIRE of Loch Ruadh. Many thanks and a huge VIVAT to Laird Sean for his many donations.


Contact information has been obtained for TRH for Lughnasad.


Planning meetings are scheduled for May 12th and June 30th. All equipment needed by coordinators is due at the June 30th meeting. 


Remember ALL expenses need to be approved by the Autocrats!!


The ad is ready to go with the 2 page add in the July and the 1 page add appearing in August issue of the Black Star.



Introduced first time people to our populace meeting.Gerard, Irina and Jim. 3 people new to us were at the last fighter practice. Greg and his son Ryan watched and talked with the fighters and Katherine joined in with the dance class that was being held.



Dana received a $300 cash donation by an anonymous donor sending congratulations on attaining Shire status and requested that the donation be considered towards the purchase of a pavilion.


Ansteorra Argent Anniversary Fireworks - The hat was again passed and $46.55 was collected. That amount will be added to the $61 collected at April's populace meeting. A check will be written for the total amount and sent to the Fireworks Fund.


No expenses. $2763.85 Balance


Pavilion Raffle: Katherine will be the coordinator for this raffle. 

A full size bed donated by Dragonhawk Creations will be raffled off at Lughnasad. Tickets will be sold for $2. for 1 ticket or $5 for 3 tickets. They can be purchased at local meetings, events and at Lughnasad. Information is also posted on the Lughnasad website http://webpages.charter.net/lughnasad/ highlight activities.


Gold dag blanks will also be sold to benefit the purchase of a pavilion. The price for these will be determined at the Officer's Meeting on May 19th. The dags can be embellished with your badge, device or other heraldic design and will be used to decorate a pavilion.



Decision Meeting - 4 names submissions from Loch Ruadh will be sent on to Laurel - John Greywolfe, Vivian McKinnon, Tegwared McAuley and Magdalea Mac an Ghabhann.


Youth heralds needed for Lughnasad.



New donation: "Medieval  Prostitution"  I'm sorry I do not recall the donor's name.



May - June Scarlet Letters were handed out. If you did not get A Gulf War Issue please contact the Chronicler.

Lughnasad.it will not rain, it will be 10 degrees cooler than normal August temperatures with cloud cover.

A contest will be held for most submissions (Artwork, Poetry, Articles, Recipes, Reviews, etc. *RUADH NOISES do not count*) to the Scarlet Letter starting with the July - Aug. to run through the Jan. - Feb. issue.


**Minister of Arts & Sciences:

Scribes & Illuminators will be on May 10 at Fiona & Alric's

Banner painting workshops will be on May 22 (Fiona & Alric's) and June 12 (at Aingeal & Caerell's).

Bardic will be on May 22 at Fiona & Alric's

Garb Workshop will be on June 12 at Aingeal & Caerell's.

Paint for banners was discussed. 


Girl Scout Demo was discussed and a sign up sheet was passed around. If you are interested in helping with this PLEASE, PLEASE contact Catrin!!


Red & Black fabric will be purchased between May 10 and 22 using coupons from JoAnn's fabric.


How-to-Binders and Library available.


Lughnasad A& S Competition - time is getting short to learn a new art!!


**Archery Marshal:

Ordered 3 new 36' archery butts, should arrive about May 17th


Practice scheduled for May 23 at the archery field at 12:30 PM


Anyone interested in making arrows see the Archery Marshal about ordering shafts.


**Knight Marshal: 

Fighter practice at Z Boaz Park on May 23 and June 27 at 10:30 AM


Joint fighter practice with Elfsea will be on June 6.  Check to see if fighter practice will be at Veteran's Park or the Highlands game demo (Thank you, Caelin for bringing that point to our attention).


**Rapier Marshal:

There will be no Rapier practice in May. I will be attending Guardian of the Gauntlet in Rosenfeld.

2, new to us, people interested in armoring up for rapier.

**Other business:

The Birthday boys invited the populace of Loch Ruadh to their Celebration of Ages. If you need information on this please contact their Autocrat: steverourke at charter.net


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