[Loch-Ruadh] Elfsea Needleworker's Guild Meeting

Damon & Christine Huse dchuse at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 1 09:56:01 PST 2004


I just wanted to remind everyone that the Elfsea Needleworker's Guild 
will be at my home on Wednesday at 7:00pm.  We will be getting serious 
about designing largess to make for Their Excellencies (war will be upon 
us soon and they will need goodies to give out); we will also talk about 
what classes you would like to see and techniques you would like to 
learn.  Bring your period pieces to work on (if you are like me, this 
will be a rare opportunity for you to get some work done) and any 
resources you would like to share or any questions you might have. 
Please bring any books that might help us design largess!

My address is:
4024 Woodland Park Blvd. #106
Arlington 76013

I am about 5 minutes north of Veteran's Park. 

 From I-20:
    Take Bowen Rd. north
    Turn left on Arkansas
    Turn right on Park Springs
    Turn left at Woodland Park Blvd (next light down)
    My apartments are the ugly gray ones on your immediate left.  You 
will see the sign for Woodland Creek Apartments, my front door is right 
behind that sign.  Due to a limited amount of parking in the apartment 
parking lot, you might want to park in the business or daycare parking 
lot across the street from the apartments.

I will have my banner hanging in the front window.

My phone number is: 817-460-3949.

I do have cats, a dog and a rabbit.  But I will have them locked in my 
room.  My home is nearly child friendly (my sewing area is not) and the 
kids have some toys to play with, plus a VCR/TV combo in their room for 
entertainment....so please feel free to bring your children.

I will have some snacks and refreshments, please feel free to bring some 
goodies to share.

In Service,

Please Note:  To get more info in the future about guild meetings, 
please sign up on the Guild's e-mail group.  In the future, the 
reminders sent to the lists will be much smaller and will only consist 
of a reminder with no details.


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