[Loch-Ruadh] Scarlet Letter Yule Issue Submissions

Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain padraig_ruad at irishbard.org
Thu Nov 18 08:19:00 PST 2004

First, many thanks to all who have already sent in articles to be included
in our special Yule issue of the Scarlet Letter.

To everyone else who has promised a contribution or is thinking about
writing/drawing/etcetera something for this issue, please make sure I have
it no later than next Wednesday, 24 November.  This will allow me to put
the issue together and have it copied in time for distribution at Populace
the following week.

Needed:  artwork, recipes, articles on Period Yule/Christmas/Hannukah
celebrations and customs, stories, poems, etcetera - anything with a
Yule/Christmas/Hannukah theme that relates to the original Middle Ages or
our Modern Middle Ages.

NOTE:  submissions to the special issue count toward the prize for the
most contributions to the newsletter to be given at Populace Meeting in

In Service,
Nunc est bibendum.
Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.

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