[Loch-Ruadh] Loch Ruadh A&S Meeting Reminder

Cat fem_cat at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 19 01:00:51 PDT 2005

Loch Ruadh Arts and Sciences Meeting

When: Saturday August 20th at 10:30am

Where: The home of Baroness Dana 
       1613 Prince Ct. Benbrook Texas 76126

For an interactive map to the Baroness’s house click :

This meeting will cover a variety of topics.  Classes
you would like to attend, project ideas, interests you
want to explore. If there is something specific you
are interested in learning please feel free to bring
an example or picture to share with us.

And don’t forget! We would love to see your current
works in progress!

Please keep these questions in mind for the meeting:

What days work best for you? Weekday or weekend?
What time works best? Day or Evening? 
Subjects you are interested in?
Goals you would like to see accomplished and ideas for
reaching those goals?
Are there things that you know how to do that you may
enjoy teaching? 

For more information contact the Minister of Arts and
Sciences, Lady Bice de Pietro, at moas at lochruadh.org. 

"Oops! My karma ran over your dogma!"

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