[Loch-Ruadh] Pell

Terry Sikes tdsikes at prodigy.net
Fri Aug 26 09:11:36 PDT 2005

I brought a T-shirt, thinking if I got hot I might change, then left it hanging on your volleyball pole in the back yard.  Any chance I can swing by and pick it up?

Kaz <kaz.od.wolin at gmail.com> wrote:
My thanks go out to Lords Alric and Terrence for their assistance last
night in constructing my pell. Their assistance was greatly
appreciated. The concrete is curing and the rubber pads will be put on
this weekend. Starting the week after Gothic, everyone is welcome to
come over on Thursday nights to work on fighting technique or just
hang out and talk about SCA type stuff.

Kazimierz Lewyski
(Kaz the Sinister or Left-Handed, you decide)

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