[Loch-Ruadh] Warning

DONALD H MCKINNON gruffydd_vawr at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 25 21:06:23 PDT 2005

I/ve been smoke free since 1973 after 15 years of smoking, so it can be done . One day at a time and good luck.
Gruffydd Vawr

Mordikar <mordikar at earthlink.net> wrote:
Aingeal Mac wrote:

> Just a notice that Caerell & I have had our last cigarette. So please 
> bear with us if we are a little on edge over the next couple of weeks.
> Aingeal

Congrats guys

I have been smoke free since mondy the 15th at 10:35am. No offense but 
it's nice to have fewer of my friends smoking to tempt me :)

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