[Loch-Ruadh] Drawnwork Project Day this Saturday

Christine/Maria casadevaca at charter.net
Sun Dec 11 18:55:33 PST 2005

I apologize if you get this more than once, but I wanted to make sure that
everyone had the opportunity to attend...
This coming Saturday (the 17th), Lady Prudence the Curious will be hosting
in her home the project for the the newly created kingdom-wide
embroidery/embellishers guild.  We will be spending the day making drawnwork
towels to present to Their Majesties at Coronation.  
For those who missed our November class, Lady Prudence will teach the class
once more starting around two o'clock.
She is asking that you bring your own linen thread.  The preferable thread
tat she herself uses is Londonderry Linen Thread -- 8095 (Ivory color) Size
80/3.  You can order them at:
http://www.firesidestitchery.com    or  http://twiningthread.com/index.html
Both of these companies are run by people who play in the SCA.
DMC does have linen thread out and you can buy it at Michael's.
Warning...It has alot of slubs and you have to use 2 strands in contrast to
the single strand of Londonderry.  I have also had problems with it
Sewing time will go from noon until five o'clock.  After five, The Shire of
Emerald Keep will be having their yule revel at Lady Prudence's home.  A
potluck dinner will be served (period or non-period dishes). After dinner,
sometime around seven, they will be reading from William Shakespeare's play,
"Twelfth Night"...everyone will get a part to read.
Directions to Lady Prudence's home are listed below.  Please come out and
join us in a day of sewing and merriment! Lady Prudence and myself both look
forward to seeing you there!


In Service Always,

Lady Maria Cabeça de Vaca




4913 Lake Englewood Drive – Waco, TX  76710.  My phone number is


The best way FROM THE NORTH to get here is take I-35 South to exit 333A
(Valley Mills exit).  Get over to either of the two right-most lanes and
veer right just before the light onto Valley Mills Road.  


Stay on Valley Mills for 3 or so miles.  Turn RIGHT at Lake Air Drive (there
is a light).  Cross through another light (Bosque).  Now on your right is
the Heart of Texas Fairgrounds.  On your left will be two business streets
and then a wooden fence for residential streets.  


Turn left at the second residential street, this is Lake Englewood Drive.
Because of a tree, the street sign is hard to read until you are directly on
top of it.  My house is on the right hand side and has a concrete bench in
front of it.


If coming FROM THE SOUTH, there is an exit coming from the other way which
directs you to the HOT Fairgrounds.  I rarely take it, so I don't know all
the details, but basically you will be coming down either New Road or Lake
Air Drive for a few miles.  If Lake Air, then all you will need to do is
continue until you hit the fairgrounds and look for the residential streets.
If New Road, turn LEFT at Valley Mills and then the next street turn RIGHT
onto Lake Air as above.


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