[Loch-Ruadh] Populace Meeting 06/01/2005

lizdenpeters at juno.com lizdenpeters at juno.com
Fri Jun 3 16:46:42 PDT 2005

Good Gentles, Denizens, Minions and HooHahs:

Thank you so much for the kindness and hospitality extended to my lord,
Vincenzo, and me at your populace meeting.  We had a great time!  And the
food was good too!

It was gratifying to have so much interest in painting charters for our
Kingdom as we seem to be always in short supply.  Since there are usually
about 200 awards given per reign, it is not difficult to see why we are
always in need.  When you have finished painting them you can let me know
and I can make arrangements to pick them up.  For myself and the Kingdom,
we appreciate your enthusiastic participation in this ongoing endeavor.

Thanks again.


Lady Fionnghuala the Fair or "Nuala" 
Central Regional Scribe

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