[Loch-Ruadh] Bad News and good news

Christine Huse casadevaca at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 20 11:44:26 PST 2005


I'm so relieved to hear Caerell will come out of this relatively well.  
Ya'll are in our prayers.

Maria, Phelippe, Diane, Ryan and Paige

>Spoke With Mom an Aingeal tonight, Caerell suffered a total of 3 heart 
>attacks, Our thanks go out to the Chirurgeons at Gulf War, They saved his 
>life, their <and Aingeal's >response to the first heart attack were critical
>in preventing something that is usually 90% fatal from being just that, he 
>has had an Angioplastey and a Stint put in and is expected to remain in the 
>hospital for 4 to 7 days, however, the good news is, there is not expected 
>to be ANY perm damage to the heart.
>Caerell is feeling much better and has his sense of humor back, and giving 
>the nurses a hard time <prolly telling em "yeah, but thats not how my Sister
>in Law woulda done it...>
>Please continue to use Domhnall or myself or Pookie as a point of contact 
>until Mom gets home as Aingeal is pretty busy as you can understand
>I and all of House Mac appreciate the thoughts and prayers and the 
>assistance given by all
>Mac Daddy

"Teach us to give and not to count the cost"
Saint Ignatius of Loyola quotes (Spanish writer and journalist, 1491-1556)

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