[Loch-Ruadh] If I seem a little cranky

Avin de Saint-Vaast avinfunyet at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 11:48:50 PDT 2006

Let me start by saying that I am not looking for sympathy from anyone. I
just thought I would give everyone a heads up! If I seem a little cranky,
you'll forgive me, I hope. If you don't... well best I not speak to that
issue right this minute.

For those of you who are not aware, the day we left for Gulf War, my farm
caught on fire. Other than some concern over the horses for a few hours (as
they were missing), all turned out fine. The day after I returned from Gulf
War, however, the pickup I was driving was vandalized. Some jerk broke the
window out (not without doing about a grand worth of damage to the door
first) and stole the stereo.

Monday night, someone broke into my farm and ransacked the place. Everything
worth taking is gone (except the furniture and I expect they'll come haul it
off sometime next week). There is no way I can account for how much was
taken; I'll have to do my best as I spend my weekend sorting through the
mess they left. I am desperately grieving the loss of my COMPLETE service of
Noritaki china that I've had since I was 7 (which, I tell you is a lot of
years) though.

Last night Walker (the youngest son) spent the whole night in the ER waiting
to get his nose sewn up. He just about cut his right nostril off his face.
Apparently the guys at work thought it was amusing the way it flapped in the
breeze when he laughed. Yeah, he's ok, but 11 is a lot of stitches for a

I just received a phone call from Dustin (the older son--the one in Germany)
to let me know that someone hacked in to his PayPal account and took him for
about a grand. He'll recover the money eventually, but of course it has to
be a pain in the ass and take several days.

As I reflect, I realize that we're all ok, in the end the stuff is just
stuff, and if you've got your health... blah blah blah...  I should just be
ok with that realization, and on one level I am. However, there is this
other part of me that is just angry with the whole world right now, so if I
seem a little cranky it's because I am. If I'm curt and hurt your feelings,
I'm sorry. I don't mean to. If, on the other hand, I chew your ass, it's
probably because you've needed it for a while and since I'm completely fed
up, I've taken it upon myself to say what (I think) you needed to hear.
Consider yourself lucky that I didn't do something worse like go postal
(which I suddenly understand).


*  Discontent is the first step in the    *
*  progress of a man or a nation.          *
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