[Loch-Ruadh] OT - Private Sale of SCA Items

lizdenpeters at juno.com lizdenpeters at juno.com
Wed Aug 2 22:02:56 PDT 2006

Good Gentles,

I have been requested to contact the lists on behalf of Lady Isobel of
the Towers.

As many of you know Lady Isobel has not been feeling well.  And, like all
of us, getting older.

Since Isobel is limiting her merchanting activities for the foreseeable
future, she wants to pare down her stock and fixtures.  Her need to
simplify is your opportunity as she is offering these items to us, her
local friends, for first sale.

Since most of you are familiar with and admire Lady Isobel's wares, I
will not detail them here.

For inquiries and appointments to view, please contact Lady Isobel at
214-704-8291.  There is voice mail at this number also.  Lady Isobel does
not have Internet access; however, if you need my assistance to set an
appointment, my e-mail address is appended below for a private inquiry.

Yours in Service,

Fionnghuala the Fair "Nuala" and/or my evil twin, Cedric
E-Mail:  lizdenpeters at juno.com
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a
garage makes you a car."
                              Laurence J. Peter

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