[Loch-Ruadh] Ships Crew List to date

Alric and Fiona sidhe01 at swbell.net
Wed Jan 4 15:51:17 PST 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ms Pict" <dftfeast at hotmail.com>
To: <sidhe01 at swbell.net>
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:41 PM
Subject: RE: [Loch-Ruadh] ShipHolds Again

> >
> You said
>>The only requirement for this shiphold is that we must learn and sing Sea 
>>Chantys (mostly at the top of our lungs in an inebriated fashion).
> I think I could do this.
> Janie
Lady Janie -

Welcome aboard!

What berth (no pun intended -that's what positions aboard ship are 
alled  -- dang I better quit digging) would you like?
So far we have the following taken.

Current Crew list of the Sea Drake.  Berths are still open for anyone 
wishing to sign the Ship's Articles

Captain - Alric Morganwgg
>   1st Officer  - Lady Fiona (and yes nepotism goes a long way)
>   2nd Officer - My Lord Kazmirez the Sinister
>   3rd Officer - Lord Padraig Rue O'Mallogian (or how ever it's spelled)
      4th Officer - Lord Don McKinnon (also acts as ships intelligence 
officer - so he has to find some I guess)
>   Surgeon
Midshipman (younger people learning to be officers) Robbie wanna be the 
first Middie?

 Warrant officers
>  Bosun - in charge of all things concerning seaman ship, rigging and 
> general upkeep of the ship
>  Gunner  - Laird Sean Mac an Ghabhann Carpenter - in charge of making and 
> repairing all things wooden aboard ship
>  Sail Maker - in charge of making and repairing the sails
>  Cook - Lady Elizabeth Hawkwood  (not sure if this was a warrant officer 
> in the past but on my ship it is cause we wanna eat good)

Enlisted -
  Petty officers
>   Bosun's Mate
>   Gunners Mate
>   Sail Makers Mate
>   Carpenters Mate
>   Surgeons Mate
>   Cooks Mate
>  seaman    A recruit learning how to be a seaman
>  ordinary seamen -  Knows most of the lines and how to reef and  handle 
> sail
>  Able seamen - Able to hand, reef and steer,  a fully trained and rated 
> seaman - able to do any job aboard ship except the specialized ones such 
> as gunner, sail maker, carpenter etc.
  Leading seaman  - As it sounds
Any one else interested?

Oh and Wolfie, I gotta think up some good Ship's Articles, any suggestions?


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