[Loch-Ruadh] As seen by the Gulf War work crew this weekend

Julie Self julie_self at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 30 14:37:54 PST 2006

I'm sure the money we spend on groceries and incidentals will really help 
the local economy.  If you can, buy it there.  That way, you don't have to 
spend the extra gas money to get it there from here!

Loch Ruadh Rocks!!

>From: Kaz <kaz.od.wolin at gmail.com>
>Reply-To: "Shire of Loch Ruadh, Kingdom of Ansteorra, SCA,Inc." 
><loch-ruadh at ansteorra.org>
>To: padraig_ruad at irishbard.org,        "Shire of Loch Ruadh, Kingdom of 
>Ansteorra, SCA,Inc." <loch-ruadh at ansteorra.org>
>Subject: Re: [Loch-Ruadh] As seen by the Gulf War work crew this weekend
>Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:55:46 -0600
>I agree. It just goes to show how much the local groups want to have a 
>Gulf Wars. The people who created the tavern live in one of the hardest hit
>areas of Katrina. If you are on the fence about attending this year, please
>consider how badly the local groups want everyone to attend.
>On 1/30/06, Pádraig Ruad Ó Maolagáin <padraig_ruad at irishbard.org> wrote:
> >
> > Many thanks for posting the link, Kaz.
> >
> > As good as the pictures at the Green Dragon website are, they don't 
> > convey how wonderfully period the tavern is.  The owners were in the
> > process this past weekend of putting in a slate floor, as they had 
> > that the packed clay floor was just too dusty.  They told us that they
> > will be commissioning bards to entertain at the tavern throughout Gulf 
> > from the balcony above the bar.  I predict that this is going to prove 
> > be a very popular gathering place indeed.
> >
> > Padraig
> >
> > Kaz said:
> > > The Green Dragon Tavern
> > > http://www.townleytextiles.com/greendragon.html
> > >
> > > --
> > > Kazimierz Zlowieszczy
> > > (Kaz the Sinister)
> >
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> > Loch-Ruadh mailing list
> > Loch-Ruadh at ansteorra.org
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>Kazimierz Zlowieszczy
>(Kaz the Sinister)

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