[Loch-Ruadh] Lughnasad plans to date

Dyan Johnson johnson_dyan at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 11 15:42:02 PDT 2006

Greetings Friends!
    Grim wants to let you know that he remains commited in bringing Bard Town to Lughnasad. 
  Until then,
Kathy <dkv250 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
Lughnasad status summary

Here is what we have thus far.

http://www.lochruadh.org/Lughnasad.htm Website

Autocrats: Lady Katheryn, Lady Brighid and M'lord Kaz


Set Up: Lord Alric

Troll: Lady Fiona

Security: Lord Jock

Donnybrook (waterball melee): Tom

Feastocrat: Lady Vivian

Thrown Weapons: Eoghan

Archery: Lady Vivian

Chivalric Tourney: Lord Conor (aka Bear)

Youth Combat: Lord Cathal

A&S: Lady Bice

Bardic: Lord Padraig, The Titled Bard of LR

Bardtown: Lord Grimvere

Merchanting: Lady Sybil

Newcomers Area: Lord Tegwared

Rapier: Lady Genna of   Elfsea

Waterbearer and Chiurgeon in Charge: Lady Eithne

Tear Down: Lord Cathal

Childrens Bardic: Lady Eilenore

Blackstar ads and Email Teasers: Lord Padraig

Dragon Birth: Lady Elizabeth

Misty   Forest: Wolfie

Site Token Molds: Lord Jock

Ice: Lady Bice

Prize Reeve: Volunteer needed

Site Herald: Gryfudd

Court Herald: Padraig?

Silent Auction: Lady Sybil 

Weather: Lord Padraig *grin*


We are awaiting Lord and Lady Elfsea’s decision on availability to honor 

us with their presence for our court and TRMs approval of their service in their stead.

Kat is working on the invitations to be mailed and they will be done by the Lug meeting 

on 6/14. 

The break-down-trunk Lug prizes need to be   finished.

Jock will have a sample site token at the Lug meeting 6/14.

We have a token workshop scheduled for the 24th of June at Kaz and Antonia’s to pour them.

The token design is attached.

2 page ad has been submitted to Kingdom for inclusion in July BS.


What needs to be done:

Set a date/place for the dragon building. 

Coordinator supply lists are due to the auto crat by July 19th.

Feast prep and serving, Set-Up, Tear-Down, Security, and Gate volunteers 

need to be determined. 

Lug prizes and silent auction donations to be brought to July's populace on the 5th. 

Genna has promised the Rapier format very soon.

Bear's tourney description is still needed as are as youth combat formats. 






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