[Loch-Ruadh] Chantel out of hospital

Elizabeth Hawkwood rhonda.new at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 28 10:35:10 PDT 2006

I am so glad she is home and doing well. And, from where she's been, it will only get better from here! 
  I also remember that, about this time last year, my recliner was my best friend. It was the only position I could stay in for any length of time. I can truly sympathize with her. 
  May she mend quickly and completely.

Terry Sikes <tdsikes at prodigy.net> wrote:
  Chantel got out of the hospital yesterday evening and is now home. She is resting as well as she can, even though she can't stay in one position for more than about 15 minutes. She still has a minor amount of numbness in her leg, but that is slowly going away and can move her leg more than twice as far as she could yesterday morning. She is using a walker to get around. 

Thank you to everyone who prayed and sent well wishes! I am hoping the fusions will knit well and this will eliminate, or mostly reduce her back pain.

Thanks again to everyone.


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