[Loch-Ruadh] Speaking Forsoothly - Daily Lesson 32

Pádraig Ruad Ó Maolagáin padraig_ruad at irishbard.org
Mon Jan 29 09:17:46 PST 2007

Daily Lesson 32

Services and Occupations - 4

The             Is
Landlord        The man who runs the tavern
Ostler          The man who runs the inn (with rooms and stabling as well
as food and drink)
Fuller          The "dry cleaners".
Acater          The agent you hire to order and buy food or goods you do
not supply from your own estates.
Warrener        The man who catches rabbits on your land. (Rabbits live in
Fowler          The man who supplies game birds for your table
Cocker          The man who handles the birds at cockfighting
Sawyer          The man you contract with for sawn wooden planks (and so
on) for building
Turner          The person the joiner buys lathe-turned items from, such
as table legs, finials, etc.

Shakespearian Word/Phrase of the Day:
	Barm – The froth or foam on ale or beer
	“Betake the barm and use it to leaven the bread.”

Nunc est bibendum.
Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.

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