[Loch-Ruadh] Fighter Practice - July 1st

Kaz kaz.od.wolin at gmail.com
Sat Jun 30 20:01:46 PDT 2007

... is hereby cancelled by order of the Knight Marshal of the Glorious Empi,
er, Shire of Loch Ruadh. After long consultation and divinations, it is
deemed that the weather conspires against the Shire, nay the entirety of the
Central Region of Ansteorra. The foul winds of Trimaris doth blow tempest
gales and epic rainstorms over our fair land. Fear not, though, Good
Gentles, for once the ill-tempered weather hies itself away, our stalwart
defenders shall once again take to the field to strengthen their arms and
hone their reflexes. The Shire is well and goodly defended.

Lord Kazimierz of Loch Ruadh
(Kaz, Lord Sinister to my "friends")
Knight Marshal of Loch Ruadh

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