[Loch-Ruadh] Activity Coordinators for Lughnasad

Pádraig Ruad Ó Maolagáin padraig_ruad at irishbard.org
Thu May 3 13:17:28 PDT 2007

Below are the folks how have agreed to be activity coordinators for this
year's Lughnasad (admittedly, some of you "agreed" by being the Officers
who are responsible for a particular type of activity).

If you are responsible for a competition, we need to know what the format
if going to be.  Please send the details to autocrat at lochruadh.org (and
copy the email to padraig_ruad at irishbard.org and sidhe01 at swbell.net, just
in case).

We need this information not later than 14 May so we can have it added to
the event web pages.

If you cannot fulfill the obligations of being a coordinator, please
inform us as soon as possible so that we can find a replacement - again,
email us at the addresses listed above.  (I know that in a couple of
instances, agreement to be a coordinator was conditional, based on
conditions that were uncertain when we originally talked.  Please let us
know as soon as possible if you will or will not be able to remain as a

Also, if anyone would like to help out in any of the areas listed, please
email and let us know.

In Service,
Alric Morganwg
Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain
Lughnasad Co-Autocrats

The Donnybrook			Vigolf
Bardic Competition		Tiggy/Elanor
A&S Competition			Bice/Terrence
Archery				Vivian
Rapier				OPEN
Boffer				Alric

Titled Bard Competition		Grimulfr
Bard Town			Grimvere
Archery Tournament		Vivian
Chivalric Tournament		Kaz
Rapier Tournament		OPEN
A&S Competition			Bice/Terrence
KAS Competition			Eoghan

Feast 				OPEN

Troll				Antonia

Publicity and Invitations	Floria
Website				Caerell
Setup				Tom
Teardown			Sluggy
Chirurgeon in Charge		Aingeal
Chief Waterbearer		Ceara
Site Tokens			Terrence
Royal/Baronial Liaisons		Catrin/Brighid
Court Herald			Magdalia
Site/Field Heralds		Gruffydd

Jail and Stocks			Tegwared
Security			Rolf
Mechants			Gwenllian
Prize Reave			Caterina

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