[Loch-Ruadh] Reminders for the upcoming Week's Activities

Aingeal clan_mac at charter.net
Wed Nov 21 08:09:31 PST 2007

Sat 24

Newcomers Meet & Greet

4:00 PM at the home of Lord Padraig
nv=F> , contact the Seneschal <mailto:seneschal at lochruadh.org> , Lady
Brighid Ellen Nic Seward, 469-323-4269 for more information.

This is a great time for people who are interested in the SCA to get ask
question over coffee, tea & desserts. All are welcome to attend. This will
provide a time for people to sit down and chat. Long term players are
encouraged to attend to help out with new comers and bring a dessert.
* Modern Clothing


Sat 24

Bardic & Beer Tasting

7:30 PM at the home of Lord Padraig
nv=F> , contact the Seneschal <mailto:seneschal at lochruadh.org> , Lady
Brighid Ellen Nic Seward, 469-323-4269 for more information.

Bardic is a gathering of folks to share entertainment. In Loch Ruadh, our
bardic gatherings are mostly group singing, interspersed with individual
performances. (Note: it is not required to perform or even sing along to
attend bardic - just coming to listen is perfectly acceptable). There will
be some beer to taste that was made by thr Brewers Guild.
* Wearing garb is encouraged


Tue 27

Card Weaving Class taught by Mistress Stella

7:00 PM at the home of Lady Aingeal and
<http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result.php?q1=2604+creekwood+76123>  Lord
Caerell, contact the Minister of Arts and Sciences
<mailto:moas at lochruadh.org> , Lord Terrance Adt Sykes, for more information.


Wed 28

Officers Meeting

7:00 PM at the IHOP on Altamesa
<http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?q1=3700+altamesa+76133> , contact the
Seneschal <mailto:seneschal at lochruadh.org> , Lady Brighid Ellen Nic Seward,
469-323-4269 for more information.

The populace is encouraged to attend. Please do not arrive before 7:30 pm.
If you want to eat you can order at 7:30 in the back room. The meeting will
not start until 8:00 pm. Officers Meeting is a monthly gathering of the
Officers of the Shire for planning purposes. Upcoming events, purchases and
other items are discussed, and will then be brought before the group for
voting at the next Populace Meeting. Also the forum where Officers make the
Seneschal aware of any problems and/or potential trouble spots pertaining to
the running of and the general well-being of the Shire.
* Modern Clothing



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